If you or someone you know is in crisis please call 911 or report to your nearest hospital.
Resources for Children and Youth
Did you know there is a designated mental health worker assigned to your school! Find us under meet the team!
School Mental Health Ontario - Students deserve a say in their mental health learning and support. That’s why we’re here.
Children’s Mental Health Ontario - Curious to learn more about mental health issues, what feelings and behaviors are considered normal for you or your friends? We have compiled a list of resources that can help.
Kids Help Phone Text 686868 or call 1-800-668-6868 – available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Connect with an Indigenous volunteer crisis responder by text or online message by messaging “FIRSTNATIONS”, “INUIT” or “METIS” to 686868 for young people and 741741 for adults .
Hope for Wellness Helpline - Hope for Wellness Helpline is available 24/7 to all Indigenous people across Canada.
One Stop Talk - Our free service provides immediate access to mental health services, when they’re needed, wherever they’re needed. We provide culturally safe and appropriate support to every corner of the province. Our certified therapists’ experiences and backgrounds are as diverse as the communities they support.