Notice of Collection

Notice of Collection, Use and Disclosure of Student Personal Information

The purpose of this notice is to inform parents/guardians how Kenora Catholic District School Board (the Board) and your child(ren)’s school uses personal information that is collected from you. The personal information is collected, used, and disclosed pursuant to the guidelines set out in the Education Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), as applicable.

Under the MFIPPA, personal information may be collected, retained, used, or disclosed by the Board in specific ways, including:

  • For the purpose for which it was collected or a consistent purpose.
  • To allow board employees who need access to the information in the performance of their duties.
  • To comply with legislation, to a law enforcement agency in order to aid in an investigation, a court order or subpoena, and in compelling circumstances affecting health or safety.
  • Where the student or their parents/guardians request access.

The Education Act authorizes school boards to collect personal information for the purpose of planning and delivering educational programs and services which best meet students’ needs and for reporting to the Minister of Education as required.

The Education Act requires the school principal to maintain an Ontario Student Record (OSR) for each student attending the school. The OSR is a record of the student’s educational progress through schools in Ontario, and the OSR follows the students when they transfer schools. The Ministry of Education’s Ontario Student Record (OSR) Guideline sets guidelines with regards to the establishment, maintenance, use, retention, transfer, and disposal of the OSR.

The following outlines routine collection, uses and/or disclosures of student personal information:

  • Student personal information in the OSR and Student Information System will be used by authorized school and board staff to support the classroom teacher in developing an educational program best meeting the student’s needs. Staff working with the classroom teacher or directly with the student may include individuals working in areas such as early childhood education, special education, guidance counselling, student success, etc. Student information, including learning profiles and achievement levels, may be shared in order to design and deliver programming to meet the needs of all students in our schools as they progress through grade levels.
  •  Information about your student may be shared between the elementary school and St. Thomas Aquinas High School, and between elementary schools and secondary schools to support transitions of the student.
  • Student personal information such as home address, photo, life-threatening medical emergency information, accessibility and safety needs, and emergency contact information will be shared with the Northwestern Ontario Student Services Consortium and contracted bus companies for the safety of students.
  • In accordance with the Immunization of School Pupils Act, students’ personal information such as legal name, date of birth, grade, name of parents/guardians, home address and phone number will be shared with the Northwestern Health Unit.
  • The Board may use third-party services providers for different purposes. Sometimes, personal information is required by the service provider in order to fulfill their duties.
  • Student accidents that take place at school or during school activity will be reported to the Board’s insurer. The report includes name of the injured student, details of the incident, as well as the name and contact information of any witnesses to the accident.
  • Student information may be shared with medical responders and/or the hospital when responding to a medical emergency.
  • Phone numbers may be included in telephone lists for emergency purposes.
  • Student information may also be shared with the children’s aid society as required by law.
  • Student information may be used for health and safety matters at the school, including for the purpose of developing medical emergency plan(s) for the student and shared with appropriate staff to support the health and safety of the student.
  • The Board shares information to the Ministry of Education and the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) as requested.
  • Indigenous students are provided the opportunity to voluntarily self-identify. This data is used by the Ministry of Education, by EQAO, and in the school board for allocation program resources and supports.
  • Student work, including student names, may be displayed in the classroom, school hallways, and may also be shared publicly at community events outside of the school community.
  • Birthdays and accomplishments may be announced over the PA system and/or in the classroom.
  • Students may be photographed or recorded by staff as part of their educational program and for assessment purposes.
  • School pictures are used for administrative and archival purposes, for student cards, school yearbooks, and are offered to parents/guardians for purchase.
  • St Thomas Aquinas High School will send marks, transcripts, and contact information for potential graduates to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre and Ontario College Application Services to support post-secondary applications. St Thomas Aquinas High School will send information that is requested for any post-secondary organizations that are outside of Ontario that the student is applying to.
  • Student names and/or photographs may be included in school programs, student awards lists, and honour rolls.
  • School events and activities may be reported in classrooms, school and Board newsletters, website, and social media sites, and may include photographs, videos, and/or names of students. Identifiable and individual student photographs would only be taken and/or names used with consent. Consent is provided by signing the Board’s Photo and Media Consent Form
  • Video security surveillance equipment are used at schools and Board property to promote the safety of students, staff, and community members.
  • As part of the Board’s commitment to 21st century learning, with the supervision of the classroom teacher, students will be using Ministry and Board approved tools in the classroom. Within these environments, students may use social media tools such as wikis, blogs, podcasts, video conferencing and surveys. Use of the internet and social media sites shall be in accordance with board procedures and consistent with expectations of digital citizenship and safe use of technology. The Board supports the following tools: G-Suite for Education, Desire to Learn (D2L), Microsoft Office 365, My Blueprint, Xello, and School Messenger.
  • Parental/guardian consent will be sought prior to conducting intelligence or behaviour tests, or prior to the involvement of, psychological, behavioural, and/or speech and language staff, in accordance with the Education Act and Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), as applicable. Referrals to personal health services such as social work may be made to the Board. On referral, you will be advised how personal health information is collected and used.
  • News media agencies may be invited to schools and/or board sites to cover newsworthy events or activities, such as graduation and current events. Their reports are not in any way directed or controlled by the Board and may include photos of students. The media would be responsible for obtaining consent.

If you have questions or concerns about the collection of personal information or how it is used, please contact our Privacy Officer at [email protected]

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