School Tax Support

Make Sure Your Tax Support Designation is English Separate (Catholic). It's a powerful message in support of Catholic Education. When you register your child in one of our schools, you are supporting Catholic education. This doesn't mean that you are sending money to us! In fact, there is no financial benefit for our Board. Instead you are helping strengthen the voice of your Catholic School Trustee, who works to ensure your right to a Catholic education In Ontario.

Unless you are identified as an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter.......


You CANNOT vote for Catholic School Trustees


You are NOT counted as a supporter of Catholic Education in Ontario

When you designate yourself as an English Separate school supporter, you help foster a strong political voice, through your elected representative (Trustee), in ensuring your rights to a Catholic education for students in our province.

To verify that you are registered as an English Separate school supporter:

  • check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice
  • check your Voter Information Card received by mail
Ensure your Education Taxes Support Catholic education
Your education taxes, at a rate moderated by Ontario, are pooled with those from all taxpayers in Ontario. The money is then redistributed equally on a per pupil basis to all school boards in Ontario. As a residential English Catholic School Supporter, the assessment section of your tax bill should have "ES" written in the Tax Class field. This stands for English Separate. If "ES" does not appear, and you want to be designated as a separate school supporter, download the Application for Direction of School Support Form. 

Tax Assessment table

Who can Support Catholic Education?
If you do not have children registered at a KCDSB school, you can still choose to support Catholic education. Just make sure that "ES" appears in the assessment section of your tax bill. There are just a couple things to consider. First, you cannot divide your school support between the public and Catholic sectors. Also, only Catholic homeowners and tenants are eligible to designate their support in support of Catholic Schools. If one partner in the house is non-Catholic, then simply complete the Attestation of Unit Support located on the Application for Direction of School Support.

Will My English Separate School Support Designation Change if I Purchase a New Home?
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation compares new owners' names and dates of birth on incoming land registry instruments with those already existing in MPAC's database. Where a match is found within the same school board jurisdiction, the school support information is captured from MPAC's existing records and moved to the recently purchased property.

However if you are a tenant, your Catholic school support designation does not follow you. As soon as any change is made to your address, your school support designation is defaulted to English-Public.

We can help you register or change your direction of school support please contact the Catholic Education Center at (807) 468-9851

Municipal Property Assessment Corp. Banner

Use the Contact Us form on the MPAC website.

MunicipalProperty Assessment Corporation

1340 Pickering Parkway, Suite 101
Pickering, ON L1V 0C4
Phone: 1-866-296-6722

Are You Moving?

When you move, your school support automatically defaults to public schools, directing your voice away from your Catholic school community. Check your assessment notice carefully if you move to make the necessary adjustments.
To ensure MPAC has the correct information call 1-866-296-6722

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