
The Board of Trustees have developed these policies to highlight and support the important governance function of the Kenora Catholic District School Board. In addition to clearly defining the role of the Board, the role of the Director of Education and the delegation of authority from the Board to the Director, it includes the following as policies:

  1. Foundational statements which provide guidance and direction for all activities within the Kenora Catholic District School Board;
  2. Directions for how the Board itself is to function and how individual trustees are to conduct themselves; directions for the functioning of the Board committees and representatives;
  3. Statements as to how appeals and hearings will be conducted;
  4. Non-delegable matters such as policy-making and selection of the Director of Education; and
  5. Specific matters which the board has chosen not to delegate to the Director.

The Board Policies are intended to be supplemented by the Administrative Procedures, which are the primary written documents by which the Director of Education directs staff. The development of two separate and distinct sets of documents is meant to reinforce the distinction in the Kenora Catholic District School Board between the Board's responsibility to govern and the Director of Education's executive or administrative duties.

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